Debt Should Not Be a Driver of Swedish Growth

Sweden stands out among European countries when it comes to how we've structured our debt collection framework. By allowing fees and interest on debts to be counted as revenue that goes back to the original provider of the service or product, we've created a vicious cycle. There are simply strong incentives for Swedish companies to maintain their share of late-paying customers.

The more we at Billogram observe practices across the rest of Europe, the more the Swedish system appears flawed and counterproductive from start to finish. The Swedish Enforcement Authority issues annual warnings about the growing mountain of debt, and more and more young people are entering debt restructuring, often due to modest amounts that quickly spiral out of control. An increasing number of Swedes today can only afford to pay the interest on their existing debts.

That's why we've published an opinion piece on the subject in Dagens Nyheter. If your company wants to help foster more sustainable customer relationships and payment behaviors, you are warmly welcome to reach out to us at Billogram.

Tim Öhman Cirillo, Chief Operating Officer

At Billogram, we're committed to driving change towards a more sustainable society by preventing unnecessary reminders and debt collection whenever possible. Explore how our collaboration with Hallon creates business value and fosters customer loyalty through a more customer-friendly approach to debt management.